On Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:36:32 -0000, " cupra" <***@gmail.com>
|!Dave Fawthrop wrote:
|!> On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 21:56:28 +0000, GSV Three Minds in a Can
|!> <***@quik.clara.co.uk> wrote:
|!>> !Bitstring <***@biscit.net>, from the
|!>> !wonderful person Boo <***@spam_me_no_spam.net>
|!>> said !>Arecibo wrote:
|!>> !>> Dave Fawthrop wrote:
|!>> !>>
|!>> !>>> On 14 Feb 2007 03:58:11 -0800, "Simon Caldwell"
|!>> !>>><***@gmail.com>
|!>> !>>> wrote:
|!>> !>>>
|!>> !>>>> !Just found this petition, I think there are quite a few folk
|!>> round !>>>> !here who'll want to sign it:
|!>> !>>>> !http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/WindTurbines
|!>> !>>>
|!>> !>>> I like windfarms.
|!>> !>> Can we build ours around you then?
|!>> !>>
|!>> !>
|!>> !>Why not just build them in Scotland ?
|!>> !
|!>> !Because you then need 100s of miles of power pylons staggering
|!>> across !the country to where the demand is (where the people are)??
|!> Living in Yorkshire where the coalfields are/were we have lots of
|!> National Grid lines. I walked under one yesterday and did not think
|!> it too intrusive.
|!And you think that they can simply hook up a turbine to an existing line?
|!Not that simple I'm afraid, even if you decided to build a turbine slap bang
|!next door to a power station....
Which has nothing to do with my post.
Dave Fawthrop <dave hyphenologist co uk>
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